Around the Horn | Teen Ink

Around the Horn

April 17, 2008
By Anonymous

ESPN is the name that comes to mind when you think of sports journalism. In their broadcasts, they have produced Around the Horn. It airs on ESPN at 5 p.m. EST and is hosted by Tony Reali with different personalities from around the country. The most frequent panelist personalities are Woody Paige, Jay Mariotti, Bill Plaschke, and J.A. Adande.

On Around the Horn, our panelists argue about the biggest headlines of the sport world and receive and lose points on the strength of their argument. They also can be muted for continuing to talk about a dead topic. At the end of each round, a person is cut. At the end, the winner is allowed thirty seconds to talk about whatever he or she wants.

The central idea of this show is to put forth different opinions of sports writers across the country. Each panelists is in a different region of the country and gives a different opinion on every headline.

Around the Horn gives a good opinion of different sports writers from around the country. Even with the Internet and the ability to read any article that they write, this show gives a more personal level of communication with the writers. You get to see how they are when they have to defend their views. The topics that they talk about are always current and the audience is able to get a lot of details if they haven't had time to check out any other sports information.

Along with the information and opinions that come from the show, there are also little gags that are played during the show because of the relationship that has been built between Tony Reali and the panelists. Some of the gags include Woody Paige writing witty notes on a small chalk board in the top left corner of his screen. They also make bets on different sporting events, which gives the show more realism that they are there and are best friends.

Around the Horn is great show for any age of sports fan. I give this show an A and nothing less. The different personalities on the show allow for anyone to agree and disagree with the panelists. The gags also help in making the show lighter than just arguments over sports headlines.

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