"How i Became a Cross Country Runner" | Teen Ink

"How i Became a Cross Country Runner"

November 3, 2011
By coolbeanz13 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
coolbeanz13 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

I thought that “How I Became a Cross Country Runner” by Mary Dorroh did an excellent job with her auto-biography putting the reader in her shoes. Maybe you don’t get to walk in them as far as she runs but it was a very good summary, appearing in the October issue. The only problem with this is it’s not about Cross country it’s about track!
I really liked some parts about how you never know what to expect of a school when you’re coming into it even If it’s in your home-town. I am scared to death of going into high school and I could relate what she was trying to say. Although the title might be just a tad bit long it caught my attention because I too was a cross country runner. Even though the story was not what I expected at all it was very good with many well written paragraphs. I very much enjoyed this story; I’m looking forward to many more well written or greater stories like this.

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