A True Hero | Teen Ink

A True Hero

October 26, 2011
By kelfry BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
kelfry BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the October issue of Teen Ink, Calia Kessler describes what a true hero is in her article “Theresa McLaury.” Calia attends church regularly and explains that heroes are not just celebs and athletes; they are also true and genuine people from little towns. In her case Theresa McLaury is one of the biggest heroes she knows. She is a pastoral assistant and does everything she possibly can to help people in her community. She drives them to church, helps families recover when they lose a loved one, and visits people who are sick in the hospital. She shows a good example of a proud Christian who makes sure everyone knows that God is always there. She says, “Your love for God is as great as your love for the person you love the least,” which states an excellent point.

I agree with Calia that true heroes are everyday people who do something special to make a difference in the world, and they don’t have to be beautiful or athletic. Theresa made me realize that sometimes the littlest things can make the biggest difference. After reading this article ,I am going to start volunteering in my community more and considering ways to help those around me. Everyone should do at least one nice thing a day to make someone else smile.

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