Restaurant Review | Teen Ink

Restaurant Review

May 7, 2014
By BryceEvans BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
BryceEvans BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Modern Grove

A new restaurant opened up in the complex where my mom works. She would not stop nagging me to go to this new exciting restaurant that everyone is talking about. I finally gave in and went to this place. The restaurant is called Modern Grove. It is a chain from the east coast that had just started to integrate to the west coast. It is supposed to be pretty popular on the east coast and is projected to do pretty well in Scottsdale.

When walking in I could tell something was different about this place. The front part of the restaurant was filled with customers on the lawn eating their dinner. The lawn was made of fake grass. Before even giving our name to the hostess we had to weave in and out and fight our way through screeching children to get inside. Once we finally got inside as soon as we put our name down we were seated.

The waiter was for nice and very accommodating. The only problem with the service was the table we were given. This table could not have been more than the size of a printer. When we received our drinks the table was already 50% full. When our food came we had to have the waiter take some food back just so we could have some room. The food was fantastic though. The only problem with the food for me was the serving size. I doubt any person could actually be full with the amount of food that is given in one entrée.

Overall I did not enjoy my stop at the Modern Grove. The food was good, but I could not deal with the other factors of the restaurant. It whole place was loud and obnoxious. It was a hassle to enjoy myself. I do not recommend this restaurant to anyone.

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