Milk & Milk By Rupi Kaur | Teen Ink

Milk & Milk By Rupi Kaur

January 23, 2019
By GenesisReyes BRONZE, Sacramento, California
GenesisReyes BRONZE, Sacramento, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Behind every sweet smile, there is a bitter sadness that no one can see and feel

¨ Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.¨ - Robert Frost

Milk & Honey is a book that has many poems about love, hurting, and healing. All these poems will have you deep in thought. Rupi Kaur pours her heart out about abuse, trauma, and femininity. Each chapter is different. You can feel the words and the pain in every poem in this book.

I thought this book was very interesting, and you can imagine the things she says which you wouldn't expect. I felt as if I could relate to this book. Rupi Kaur states ¨ I know it feels like tomorrow will never come and today will be the most difficult day to get through,¨ By saying this, I feel as if she is talking about feeling worthless and more so tired mentally. She just put it in a way that you would have to think instead of her just saying it.

Throughout the book she gives many metaphors and short sentences explaining her feelings about many topics. Her interpretation of love is not the way you love someone but it's the way you love yourself mentally and physically. The heartbreak she explains is overthinking, depression and the pain of the past.

If you ever been abused, used, or even felt pain, this book will be for you. It will teach you to love yourself for who you are and not what other people told you or the negative things you ever said to yourself. This book made me realize all the things I've gone through that I wasn't alone that many people felt the way that I did at a point in there life.


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