Journey of Souls | Teen Ink

Journey of Souls

January 14, 2021
By Anonymous

Have you ever wondered what happens to you after you die? Do you think your body has a spirit that will move on to a new life once it’s done with yours? Well, Michael Newton explains all of this to us in his new age fictional book, Journey of Souls. In the book, Newton explains what happens to us when our life on earth is over. During the process to find out information about past life and reincarnation, Newton puts his clients in a superconscious state that allows for him to reach their hidden memories of life in the spirit world after death. Overall Newton’s purpose is to tell us about the extensive research about the journey of the soul through past life, including reincarnation, and how souls choose their next body. 

Michael Newton's main purpose in writing Journey of Souls is to explain to us about our past life and reincarnation. Newton started off by stating that one of his clients opened the door to the spirit world for him. The woman talked to Newton about her feelings of isolation and loneliness, and she supposedly slipped into the highest state of altered consciousness practically without any “coaching” from Newton himself. While in her hypnosis, she states “[she] miss[ed] some friends in [her] group, and that's why [she] gets so lonely on Earth.” (3) Newton then asks where her friends are located and she says “here, in my permanent home… and I’m looking at all of them right now.” (3) The point of Newton putting her into hypnosis was because he believed it would help her go to the source of her loss companionship and help him figure out why she felt so lonely and isolated. Which is exactly what happened in this case. This made me have a strong opinion on the studies of the regressed soul to the point before they are born and reincarnation because it was explaining that she did have a soul that was not hers before she was born, which relates back to Newton’s main purpose of the book. 

Newton also explains that the main purpose was not only to find out about past life and reincarnation, but to also find out why the soul chooses specific bodies to move on to. One of Newton’s cases, Case 26, was a woman who enjoyed playing sports, but had recurring leg pains throughout all of  her life. She had stated in the preliminary interview that she had also seen multiple doctors about her pain but they all said that it may just be psychosomatic. After Newton hears about what the doctors have to say, he concludes that her leg pain might have something to do with a past life so he puts her in a superconscious state. Once in this state he asks her to tell him about a life in which she was most happiest with a human body. Her answer to me was shocking because she said her happiest time was when she was a viking named Leth, and then she went into detail about what the life of Leth was like. Newton then asked “explain to me how this body came to be chosen by you” (224) the response was “I wanted one of the best physical specimens on Earth at the time and Leth was offered to me as a possibility.” (224) This came as a big shock to me because I never expected you to have a choice in the body you move to, but it was said that the “choices always seem to match what [you] want to experience in [your] lives.” (224) This supports the purpose Newton was trying to make by stating that there was a soul before this woman was ever created, and that this soul chose her because it felt that she was a good fit for the life it wanted to experience.

I have always wondered what happens to us once we die, but I was never able to find the answer. However Newton’s purpose in telling us about the extensive research about the journey of the soul through past life, including reincarnation, and how souls choose their next body really helped me find my answers I had always been wondering about. Overall this book was honestly a universe view-changing book and I highly recommend this book to anyone who may have an interest in the journey of the soul through past life and reincarnation.

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