Tears of a Tiger | Teen Ink

Tears of a Tiger

May 29, 2009
By Victoria Dade BRONZE, GAstonia, North Carolina
Victoria Dade BRONZE, GAstonia, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Grade Level: Middle and High School. Tears of a Tiger is an absolute page-turner. The book tells a story that would affect every teen’s life, a death caused by a teenage drunk driver. This book shows that even though the accident has passed on, the death of an innocent child/teenager still comes back and convicts your heart. This novel is a Death, High School, Afro-American fiction book. I love how Sharon Draper used different descriptive words to make the reader feel like they are their or involved in what even is happening. “… All of a sudden, like outta no where, this wall was in front of us, like it had just jumped out in front of the car,… Glass everywhere and this crunchin’, grindin’, sound…” Even though I don’t drink, at all, reading this book lets me understand that even if I don’t drink, I don’t need to get in the car where others are drinking. I love a book that I can learn from and be entertained at the same time.


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on Jun. 19 2009 at 12:53 am
pinksage33 BRONZE, Woodstock, New York
4 articles 1 photo 211 comments
Tears of a Tiger is a great book!!! So is Forged by Fire.