Another One Goes Tonight by Peter Lovesey | Teen Ink

Another One Goes Tonight by Peter Lovesey

February 26, 2024
By RileyI SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
RileyI SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't stop when you're tired, stop when you're done."

How could anyone put this book down while one character was in a coma and the other was attempting to figure out what had happened? Another One Goes Tonight by Peter Lovesey is a great book that is full of mystery. Some books have exciting plots, but unsatisfactory endings. This is not the case with Another One Goes Tonight, as it keeps readers in suspense the entire time, finally finishing with a powerful plot twist that pulls it all together. Although this is an awesome book, I don’t think it would be good for younger audiences.

Every single event in the book will keep the reader wanting more. Another One Goes Tonight started off slow, but that didn’t last long. Throughout the book suspense continues to build, making it a lot more interesting. The way that Peter Lovesey added suspense to his book was not only creative but also excellent. Because of the small twists and turns in the plot, this book had me hooked right away. Naturally, as the tension in the book increases, a significant event occurs, which in this book was the large plot twist at the end.

By the time the reader gets to the plot twist, they will have already assumed what is going to happen. While this large plot twist entirely flips the book upside down, it really brings the book together, with an incredible ending. After I finished the book, I looked back in wonder at how I could have missed such crucial information. With this ending, Another One Goes Tonight will be a book I won’t forget anytime soon. In books such as this one twists and turns are what keep readers interested, and the plot twist at the end leaves readers wanting more.

Although I recommend this book to many different audiences; I do believe that this is a book that should be kept for more mature and avid readers. This book starts off with a note written by whom one would assume to be a murderer. Then not long after, police are responding to a report regarding inappropriate behavior when a crash occurs, putting a character in a coma. These and other incidents that arise later in the book lead me to believe that this is not a book I would recommend for anyone under the age of thirteen.

Overall, I believe this is a great book that not only keeps the reader in suspense but also throws a curveball right at the end. One thing that the book really showed me is how much I can look past when I think I know which person is at fault. While reading through the book, I was not able to accept that anyone but the biker could be at fault; nevertheless, the conclusion not only disproved my theory, but it also made me more aware of how I perceive things. Because of this, I would highly recommend Another One Goes Tonight by Peter Lovesey. This is a great book that I found incredible and extremely interesting.

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