Bog Child by Siobhan Dowd | Teen Ink

Bog Child by Siobhan Dowd

October 12, 2009
By lynnshelby BRONZE, Milo, Maine
lynnshelby BRONZE, Milo, Maine
3 articles 5 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A writer who waits for ideal conditions under which to work will die without putting a word on paper." -E.B. White

Bog Child is a wonderfully well written yet thrilling novel by Siobhan Dowd. After reading just the first three sentences it was put on my must-read list and finished soon after.

At first the book seems like it may be difficult to read because of the profound use of difficult words, but if you keep reading it makes the book more enjoyable. Also making it pleasant, the book is written in an Irish accent separating it from most books.

The book is split into three different sections about the main character’s journey. The adventure starts in a bog while Fergus (the main character) is digging for peat on the mountain with his uncle; however, there is a change of plans when Fergus uncovers the hand of a small child. Once it is determined the hand of the child is prehistoric, the archeologists give Ferg the honor of naming the girl. Thoughtfully he chooses Mel. While the archeologists make progress everyday about Mel and discovering her place in the bog, Fergus is always one step ahead of them despite the stress of his brother in jail and hiding his feelings for one the archeologist’s daughter.

The book keeps you on the edge of your seat not letting you put it done in fear of missing something important. Dowd does an amazing job balancing the main part of the story with little twists mixed in to keep it interesting and easy to read.

I would recommend this book to anyone who likes mystery, history, or realistic fiction. It has the sense of mystery that keeps you on the edge because you want to know why Mel was buried in the bog, and history because of the time frame she was buried in it. Yet at the same time it satisfies the taste of readers who enjoy realistic fiction from the aspect of Fergus’s affection for Cora and troubles he faces at home.

Bog Child is definitely a must-read for many different types of readers. Between the unique style of writing and plot itself the book is sure to satisfy any reader.


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