The Nanny Diaries | Teen Ink

The Nanny Diaries MAG

By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

   Based on reality, The Nanny Diarieswill appeal to anyone, especially teens and young women. Written by two formernannies, it fictionalizes their work experiences into one story, giving readers agreat sense of what lies behind the doors of Park Avenue apartments.

Thebook is about a seemingly perfect family, but by the end, it is clear that theyare not perfect. When the nanny is hired into the X family, the adventure begins.Mrs. X demands so much from the nanny, especially to make sure her son, Grayer,has a good day. Grayer goes through much misery because his father always letshim down and his mother ignores him. Relationships are constantly changing thatsplit the X family further and further apart.

The authors' style ofwriting is very realistic. Both use examples from their experiences withoutmentioning actual sources. They also incorporate many fun and exciting ways ofcommunication through letters, posters, notes or phone conversations, whichcreates an even more interesting book. They also make the story very realistic byincorporating recognizable stores, places and brands into thenarrative.

You do not need to be a nanny to enjoy this book. The book iscurrent and written in a manner that appeals to young minds.


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i love this !