Just Listen by Sarah Dessen | Teen Ink

Just Listen by Sarah Dessen

January 15, 2010
By Valerie1234 GOLD, Whitmore Lake, Michigan
Valerie1234 GOLD, Whitmore Lake, Michigan
17 articles 0 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It is better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all"

"...Don't think or judge. Just listen." Just Listen, by Sarah Dessen, is filled with emotion and drama. The novel's about a girl named Annabel Greene, a teenage girl, who not only has to deal with the normal problems that come along with being a teenage girl, she also has a mother who is infatuated with her modeling, an anorexic older sister, she's lost all her friends and she has honesty issues. After ditching her best friend Clarke for Sophie, who later hates her for something she didn't do, she's left friendless until the angry, quiet, music fanatic, Owen Armstrong comes along. Not only does he become her new best friend, but helps her enjoy the little parts about music that she had never realized before. He also helps open a whole new, more honest world for Annabel.
Sarah Dessen's novel and way of writing will inspire you and blow you away. Her poetic style is beautiful, heart felt and relaxing. Her stories can't say enough how important it is to be honest and accepting of yourself. With all the drama and tension going on in the book you're always left wanting to know what happens next at the end of each chapter. I would recommend this book for ages 13-17, but anyone could enjoy it, I know that I did.

The author's comments:
This is a review on a book I've read recently, Just Listen.


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