A Mango Shaped Space by Wendy Mass | Teen Ink

A Mango Shaped Space by Wendy Mass

March 1, 2010
By tsfunkifresh4eva BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
tsfunkifresh4eva BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 4 comments

If you’re looking for an amazing book, a book that makes you hide under the covers and read the WHOLE entire day and night long, A Mango Shaped Space is the book for you! Starting off, it’s the type of book that will probably make tears stroll down your cheeks, make butterflies fly in your stomach, or smile like you’ve just won a million dollar bills wrapped together! It’s the kind of book that warms up your heart, leaving a touch of bittersweet joy. Hearing Mia’s powerful, heart-gripping; can’t-wait-to-know-what-happens-next kind of book is awesome! From her story of how she found out about her disability, to learning more about herself that she never knew, and loving herself in a way that she thought she never could, this is a story that you MUST read! Also, heart wrenching, triumph, and most importantly full of lessons in life, this proves that you should definitely read it! A Mango Shaped Space, an award winning novel by Wendy Mass, is a must read!

So, you might be thinking; ‘hmm…is this book really THAT good?’ Well, to me, yes! Yes it absolutely is! The author of the book, Wendy Mass, has a way of showing the readers how much pain is structured throughout Mia’s life which is filled with colors, part of the disability she has. Wendy Mass, a wonderful first novelist, uses vivid language and an intelligent tone of voice, to guide you into Mia’s world. Overall, I would rate it close to 4 stars! You would want to know everything about her. Mia, a nice sort of trying to be family-oriented girl, needs help for her disability.

Mango Shaped Space is about a girl, Mia, who struggles with math because she has a disability that includes not focusing on numbers as much as she wants to. Actually, she sees numbers as colors, for example: 1=red! Every number has it’s own color attained to it. But it’s not as simple as that! Mia sees everything in color. From motions, to sounds, letters, but it just happens that the worst is numbers! Unfortunately!

Mia thinks it’s a curse! People make fun of her, making her life horrible, terrible, and traumatic! They just don’t understand her! Piece by piece, her life is breaking apart, like a cookie bitten off into crumbs just to leave to the side of a plate. So she thinks. Now, the way her life is, dealing with her disability day in and day out, there’s no way she can fix it…unless she finds somebody who understands. Someone who knows what’s going on with her. But she thinks it will end up backfiring on her. Even though Mia tries to talk to somebody about it, she didn’t have the courage until people just stopped trying to understand her problem. For Mia, living without her world full of special colors, is like dying without food. They’ve always been with her. How long will she hide the burden of her disability? No way can she cope with not telling somebody forever. Will she tell someone? What will happen when she does? To find out, read it! A Mango Shaped Space is a great inspirational book, so read it and pass it on!

Next, dealing with pressure from all sides, Mia soon finds out, there’s more to life than what meets the eye. The notion of the story is that everybody has something special and unique about them selves that they should be proud of. With a satisfying ending, a thoughtful humanity to the story, and a thought-provoking message, this is a story with hope.

All in all, A Mango Shaped Space, is one book that you wouldn’t want to miss! Lastly, what makes this book as well as it is, is the power of you remembering it forever. It teaches you, as people pass on, life changes. Although Mia’s life has been rough, she learns a lesson about it, to go through all those times. So, as the writer says, in order to find yourself, you have to lose something special to gain something else. It’s a knowledge in life. This message is why you should read this book! You will absolutely love this book, take it from me!

==Review End==


This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 5 2010 at 8:41 am
tsfunkifresh4eva BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 4 comments
hey! i hope you enjoyed this review! i hope you read it and enjoy it as much as i did! thank you! =P