Among The Hidden by Abdoulaye Barry | Teen Ink

Among The Hidden by Abdoulaye Barry

March 1, 2010
By flaberghasted10 BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
flaberghasted10 BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sadness, Shadows, And Hope are in Margaret Peterson Haddix’s book Among The Hidden. Among The Hidden is the first book of the Shadow Sequence. It is about a boy, Luke, a twelve year old boy, is hidden by his family from the population police and the whole world. Why? You ask, well unfortunately Luke is an third Child. Where he lives you can only have TWO!!! Children in one Family. If you do have more than two children…then you will have to hide he or get rid of them. Luke finds away to escape the darkness and into the light, with some help of his curiosity, friends Children, and family. You must read Among The Hidden and the rest of the series. It is such a great book I finished it in one day! This book is a must read book of all time.

I really enjoyed reading this book. I couldn’t put it away ever since I started reading it. The author put in really good detail, it’s almost like I could see everything that Luke could. You can feel their emotions, which I think, are incredible just from reading the book! I liked how the author gave enough information in the book, even if it’s small. But if some things small they might pack a punch.

The emotions I had had when reading the book was sad and happy. I was sad about what happened t Jen and happy of what Luke choose to do to escape the dark and into the light. You’re going to have to read the book to find out what happens to Jen and Luke. There are a lot of different emotions that come pouring into you when you read this book. At first there confusing but then as you keep on reading it will make more since. At first my emotions were Sad then later when I kept on reading it got happy then sad than happy. It sort of like a roller coaster.

There are a lot of surprises in this book and in the series. For instance in the book there is another third child named Jen who’s, family is rich. She and Luke meet and become friends. Luke spends a lot of time with her learning things he ha never learned like why the government made the rule of why you can only have two children in one family. She even makes a plan to make sure kids who are younger siblings of the two eldest should go to the president and make a change. Luke’s plan about getting out of the darkness is Jens wish.

There for, Among The Hidden is a must read book. It’s such a great book that you’ll be craving more from the author. I recommend this book to anyone! You will all want to find out what Luke’s plan is to become free.


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