What Smart Students Know | Teen Ink

What Smart Students Know MAG

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   What Smart Students Know

by Adam Robinson

According to Adam Robinson, the author of What Smart Students Know, "Learning to think independently is a smart and efficient way to learn."

Recently, in USA Today, Tamara Henry wrote about Robinson who explained why the learning process has mystified the minds of Americans for so long. It is rather interesting to discover how learning can be made more active. Instead of the traditional way of studying a textbook, approach the lesson differently, Robinson suggests. Rather than rereading your textbook, recopying your notes and repeating the material over and over again, look at the big picture and think. Don't just simply highlight anything that seems important. Learn to think independently!

"The whole point is to get you to think for yourself, and no one can do that for you," he said. Robinson says you must become your own teacher in this situation. This process does not involve long hours of ineffective study methods. In fact, all it requires is a sense of determination. One must want to be a student who learns more in less time, and want to achieve higher grades.

The key to becoming a smarter student is "maximum grades, optimum learning [and] minimum time," said Robinson. During an intense 30 minutes of study, it is an excellent idea to go through a simple thought process. Instead of rereading your notes, ask questions and answer them as you would respond to the questions on a test. Play the game that smart students play, and play it to win! THINK!

Indeed, Adam Robinson has demystified this learning process, allowing all students to understand these concepts more easily. Truly, the most important aspects of becoming a smarter student is feeling confident and determined. Set goals for yourself. Keep reaching for success. Believe in yourself, and you will be the best that you can be. Remember knowledge is happiness! It is the key to all our hopes and dreams of success. .

Review by M. B. Chicopee, MA


This article has 2 comments.

i love this !

on Oct. 21 2014 at 3:09 pm
LaurenAllisonK SILVER, Paragould, Arkansas
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments
This is a great review. Your summarizing definately convinced me to go read this book.