Of Mice And Men | Teen Ink

Of Mice And Men MAG

By Anonymous

   John Steinbeck tells a fine story and sends a powerful message in his famous book entitled Of Mice and Men. It tells the tale of two traveling friends in the early 20th Century, who struggle to survive together as they move from farming job to job. One of the two main characters, Lennie, is mentally retarded and is taken care of by George, the other main character. George and Lennie encounter numerous problems because of Lennie's mental difficulties. For instance, when Lennie, who happens to be incredibly strong, gets angry, he often causes problems. And at the climax of this book, the damage he causes proves incorrectable. The shocking ending, detailed descriptions, interesting character traits, and original plot make this classic a book for all to read; its short length (100 pages) and its clear writing make it easy to read as well. So, for a quick book with meaning look for Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. n


This article has 2 comments.

i love this !

rachelle said...
on Aug. 8 2009 at 7:31 am
thank you for giving me a detailed article for of mice and men by john steinbeck...hope that you'll continue to bring a good and detailed rticles.... Keep up the good work! thumbs up...