The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants | Teen Ink

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

May 24, 2008
By Anonymous

Brashares, Ann. (2001). "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants." New York: Random House Inc.
"The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" involves four girls who come across a pair of jeans that seem magic. The magic, for Lena, Carmen, Bridget, and Tibby, is that although they range in size, the Pants fit and make all of them look fantastic. They believe that they were destined to be friends long ago, when their moms joined a pregnant mother's aerobic class. All due in the same month, the moms instantly became great pals. Now in their blood, the girls, too, are tight best friends. The rules of the Pants are simple-each firl take a turn wearing the Pants in the summer, hoping and awaiting the magic the Pants accomodate. Carmen needs them to deal with her new knowledge of her dad and stepmom's marriage. Tibby usest hem to meet a great friends at the grocery store she works at. Bridget wears the Pants in hopes that her camp counselor, Eric, will put aside their three-year age difference and go out with her. Lena works the Pants to have an exciting and embarrassing adventure the her Greek extended family and friends.
A definite them for this book is friends hip. The "sisters" are so close and are always dishing up advice and a shoulder to cry on.
I recommend this book to girls who are ready for a purely fun read about four teen living their lives. Its easy to relate to in many parts, and the story is simple to follow. Don't get me wrong, their situations are complicated, but "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" is great. For an awesome summer read, pick up this book today!
The genre for this book is realistic fiction. I give this book a ten out of ten because I can't wait to read the next three books!


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