Dear John by Nicholas Sparks | Teen Ink

Dear John by Nicholas Sparks

April 29, 2010
By reeg kayla BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
reeg kayla BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear John, written by Nicholas Sparks is a tragic, love story. It explains the
life of a lonely man, John Tyree, who finds someone he never thought he would
have a future with. He meets Savannah Curtis, and she changes John’s life
John joined the army to get away from his dad, who he never had a good
relationship with. When he was on leave at home in Wilmington, NC, he met a
girl that he never imagined he could have a relationship with. Savannah Curtis
and John grew closer together throughout John’s leave. And in that two weeks
John was at home, the young adults fell in love with each other. They were
constantly together, and even met each other’s family. The last thing that the
two wanted was for John to go back to the army. When his time was up, they
promised to write each other every day, and John promised Savannah that he would
come back and they would get married. John left for his time he had left, which
was only two years. He would have another leave in six months and they would be
able to spend another two weeks together. Although it was hard for John to
leave, he knew it was the right thing and he had no other choice. The two love
birds wrote each other the whole time and loved reading the notes they received.
John came back to Wilmington for his next leave, and everything with Savannah
was amazing. They had a great time together, until they got into a fight. They
fixed everything out, but John never thought the long term change would be what
it happened to be. John went back to the army when his leave was up, and
Savannah and John both thought everything would be perfect. He had nearly a year
to serve and then he would be done forever. John got back to Germany, in early
September. When the 11th struck, John had no other choice but to sign for
another two years. He had to serve his country after 9/11, and he thought
Savannah would wait for him.

John loved getting letters from Savannah; the words Dear John made those
butterflies arrive every time. But the last letter he received from Savannah
was not one he loved. The words he read just kept getting worse and worse.
John thought he was in a dream. He could not believe what was happening to him.
The letter from Savannah said that she had found someone else and that she was
really sorry. She wanted him to be happy, but happy was the farthest thing from
John. He was devastated for months. When John’s dad got really sick, he had to
go home and take care of him. His father passed a way a week after John got back
to NC. John then had nobody. Savannah was gone, his dad passed away, he did not
have a mom. He was completely lost. After spending a week alone, he decided to
take a trip that changed his life. John went to go see Savannah. He really did
not know why he was going there, because he knew that she had married. John saw
Savannah and all his feelings and all his memories for her came back. John
later found out that Savannah’s husband was Tim; a friend of Savannah’s all her
life. John did not know what to do, he loved Savannah more then anything else
in the world.

I read Dear John because I enjoy reading love stories. I really enjoy Sparks’
writing and I had seen the movie of Dear John. I would highly recommend reading
Dear John.


This article has 3 comments.

lnvo97 GOLD said...
on May. 14 2010 at 5:59 pm
lnvo97 GOLD, Chicago, Illinois
15 articles 0 photos 40 comments

Favorite Quote:
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
Matthew 5:44

i fell in love wiht one book when i read it!!!

Nelelxis1026 said...
on May. 10 2010 at 8:56 am
I really want to read the book and see the movie now that i know that it seems like a great book.

on May. 2 2010 at 11:13 am
shayna101 SILVER, Carlsbad, California
5 articles 0 photos 35 comments
you wrote this really well i am dying to read the book! i loooooooove nicholas sparks i have read most of his novels!! keep it up u write good