Julie of the Wolves by Jean Craighead George | Teen Ink

Julie of the Wolves by Jean Craighead George

October 12, 2010
By RhiannonSEdwards BRONZE, Adel, Iowa
RhiannonSEdwards BRONZE, Adel, Iowa
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ever wondered what it is like to live among nature? To be almost totally excluded from civilization and away from most humans? In the novel “Julie and the Wolves” by Jean Craighead you will be immersed in what it is truly like to be one with nature. This story is about one woman’s struggle to find herself through the ways of nature.

Miyax, or Julie, runs away from an abusive, arranged marriage at a young age. She decides that a life among the wolves would be better for her. While living with the wolves on the cold, Alaska tundra, she learns about survival. Gradually, she gained their trust and was accepted though it certainly was not easy. I personally enjoyed this book very much. I loved how descriptive it was. Plus I learned a lot about wolves and intern also about instinct. The ways that a pack of wolves works is almost parallel to the way a group of humans work. It made me look at people in a different way. I like that this book entertained me and also taught me sociology.

If you enjoy reading adventure books then this would be the book for you. In the wilderness she learns and grows by learning from nature. This is the first book of three and I’m sure that the adventures continue. Jean Craigheaed George does well with her organization and the way she tells her story. It is very descriptive and is definitely worth the time and effort to read.


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