The Greatest Day in History by Nicholas Best | Teen Ink

The Greatest Day in History by Nicholas Best

February 7, 2011
By Hersheydog1326 GOLD, Fairfield, Connecticut
Hersheydog1326 GOLD, Fairfield, Connecticut
10 articles 2 photos 1 comment

The book that I believe should be a part of our curriculum is called “The Greatest Day in History” by Nicholas Best. In this book it talks about the last five days of World War 1. World War I did not end neatly with the Germans’ surrender. After a dramatic week of negotiations, military offensives, and the beginning of a Communist revolution, the German Imperial regime collapsed. The Allies eventually granted an armistice to a new German government and at 11:00 on November 11, the guns officially ceased fire— but only after 11,000 more casualties had been sustained. This very important part in history should not just simply be discussed it should be noticed by today’s youth.

This book tells us about the last five days of World War 1. The first and second day they talk about the battle and show us what truly did happen during this war. People were happy when someone was killed. I feel that only truly hate people would have caused a celebration because of their death. That was just how it was; everyone had an enemy and was one. After the first few chapters they start to talk more about trying to communicate and start to talk about armistice. Then they explain the great glorious day in the last four chapters.

In this book they use vocabulary words like doughboy and armistice. We could have read this while learning the vocabulary to better understand the book. The author goes really deep into the last day witch, as we know was by far the most important. On the last day it start in the early morning and ends later in the night. It describes this day vividly and it is like you were watching the whole thing go down.
From this book I feel that the eight grade could learn a lot. Right now we celebrate Armistice Day. I bet that more than half of these eight grade parents know what Armistice means. War is not some game, it is violence and I believe that there can be a world without it.


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