Bang The Novel by Sharon G Flake | Teen Ink

Bang The Novel by Sharon G Flake

March 24, 2011
By Anonymous

The book I’m reading right now is called Bang. At first it was very boring to me that I was thinking of not reading it any more but now I like it and I think it is a good book. The story is about a boy who loses his little brother. They were outside of their porch one day when a shooting took place Jason the little brother name got shoot for no reason he was just standing outside his porch playing. The neighborhood they live in is not one of the best neighborhoods to live in so these murders are going on frequently. The older brother and his best friend Kee-lee think nobody else cares about what’s going in the neighborhood or supply are not paying attention to it. This guy named Moo Moo that was at his brothers funeral sitting next was saying don’t worry you still have one more brother me later also passes away he was like an older brother to them.


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on Jun. 19 2012 at 8:40 am
PurpOreos SILVER, Macomb, Michigan
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