A Knight In Shining Armor by Jude Deveraux | Teen Ink

A Knight In Shining Armor by Jude Deveraux

March 31, 2011
By soulebe BRONZE, South Portland, Maine
soulebe BRONZE, South Portland, Maine
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Your life is your message to the world. Make it inspiring.

Passion, tragedy, excitement. A Knight in Shining Armor, written by Jude Deveraux, is the ultimate romance that made my, and any true romantic’s heart, melt. Dougless, a sweetheart engaged to an egotistical man, Robert, is on a vacation in England. She is arguing with him and he storms out on her, leaving her alone, with no money or dignity. She is left crying in a small church when every girl’s fantasy shows up, a knight in shining armor. He claims to be an earl from the 1500’s, and that’s where the romantic novel takes off.

The way Jude Deveraux writes really makes me love this novel. She ties in Elizabethan language and style with the modern world easily. The Elizabethan language makes the whole book seem much more romantic and it suits Nicholas’s personality very well. It makes him seem much more attractive and alluring.

The well developed characters in A Knight in Shining Armor also make the book have much more depth. Jude Deveraux took the perfect amount of time to make me connect with Dougless and care about her. If I wasn’t so attached to her, then I wouldn’t have cared about what happened to her, bad or good. Nicholas was also very well developed. Jude alternated views between Dougless and Nicholas which enabled me to really identify with each character and see where they were coming from.

A Knight in Shining Armor is definitely in the genre of romance. There is a clear hero of chivalry, meaning that he was from the medieval knightly system. It was a definite classic romance. I’m a total sucker for cliché romances, so this book was perfect for me. It was an even better romance because of the periodical heartache throughout it, as Dougless and Nicholas’s relationship blossomed.

This novel will make a lasting impression on anyone that has the great privilege of reading it. Nicholas time traveling to the future adds so much to the story, creating chemistry between him and Dougless since she has to help him with everything. When Dougless goes back to his time, it adds a twist that reverses their roles, making Dougless a damsel in distress whilst Nicholas has to go to her aide. I recommend this book for anyone that likes a good romance that will leave you wishing it could happen.


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