Soul Surfer by Bethany Hamilton | Teen Ink

Soul Surfer by Bethany Hamilton

April 28, 2011
By Anonymous

Soul Surfer: A very tragic, inspiring, and wonderful story. Bethany Hamilton, now a professional surfer, was once in a terribly tragic accident. Unfortunately, when she was only thirteen, she was attacked by a shark. The shark took her arm. This changed Bethany’s life greatly.

Bethany Hamilton was very young when she discovered her love and passion for surfing. When Bethany was only thirteen years of age, she experienced something that changed her life. As a result of losing her arm, Bethany had to adjust with life with only her right arm. This very inspiring young woman decided that this was not going to bring her down. She gave the whole situation to God, and trusted Him with everything. She now uses her experience to share God’s love. Bethany explains in this book that God has a plan for her. In this story Bethany said that a couple weeks before her attack, she and her mother had been praying and asking what God’s will is for Bethany’s life. She realized that He had a plan for her, and she was going to embrace it.
Bethany is now a one-armed professional surfer. She overcame her fears, and stuck with surfing. She competes all around the world. Bethany also goes on mission trips. She shares her story and God with many people. A major motion picture was actually created based on Bethany’s story, and her life.

Overall Soul Surfer is an incredible story. It shows how a girl shows how her faith in God helps her get through. Her family and friends were also an important part of this entire book. Bethany is a very inspiring person and everyone could learn a lesson from her experience. Soul Surfer is very moving and overall a really wonderful book.

I think this book was the best autobiography I have ever read. I think everyone should take the time to read this story. You will be amazed throughout this entire story.


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