Ransom by Lois Duncan | Teen Ink

Ransom by Lois Duncan

April 21, 2008
By Anonymous

I have read book called Ransom by Lois Duncan. It's a story about a group of teens that are taken for ransom and learn to get along with eachother through this situation. It's a story about action and suspense that you would want to keep reading for more. It's a story that teaches you a lesson about accepting people and caring for others.

In the book Ransom a group of teens think they're just taking a bus ride home but it turns out that it's nothing they thought it would be. Three people take them into the woods where they hold them hostage until they get the money that they want. They take five kids that all have problems of their own. Jesse is the average girl that no one really pays attention to. Dexter is the kid that seperates himself from everyone one because he has a disability. Glenn is the kid that only cares about himself and Bruce is his brother that cares about others. Marianne is the popular girl with a messed up family.

I would recommend this book to other people because it makes reading enjoyable. You learn what it means to care about people and their situation. It's a story that has action and suspense in it and keeps you guessing for whats gonna happen next. It's a book that I think everyone can learn something from.


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