WarriorCats: The Sigh by Erin Hunter | Teen Ink

WarriorCats: The Sigh by Erin Hunter

May 5, 2008
By Anonymous

“There will be three kin of your kin who will hold the power of the stars in their paws.” Hollypaw, Lionpaw, and Jaypaw are siblings who face forbidden love, temptations, and heartbreak; Hollypaw struggles to decide if she's better off being a warrior, than a medicine cat, she just can't seem to get the herbs quite right, but will it end in heartbreak for her mentor, Leafpool? Lionpaw loves a cat…. but she's not from his clan. Will he end up like another couple cats who made the same foolish mistake, a few moons back? Jaypaw, trying to decide, does the clan need him, a blind cat to weigh them down? A deep, burning, flame in the pit of his stomach is saying “Kill yourself!” the clan, doesn't need you, will he listen, or will his clanmates come to his rescue…. Before it's too late?

Later among the clans a stirring, passion of furry pervades the forest; cats are thinking with a stronger, more burning sense than ever. Kittypets do not belong in the life of a warrior, but Thunderclan is home to all…. Including kittypets, will Thunderclan protect their cats? Or will Thunderclan leave theor cats in the forest to be murdered by the other three ruthless clans?

When I read this book I was immediately sucked into the plot of the book, I felt the emotions of Hollypaw, Lionpaw, and especially Jaypaw. This is the best book in the series WarriorCats that Erin Hunter has written; I felt as if I was another cat in the book, watching from the sidelines, “straining my eyes,” to catch every word! I think anyone and everyone should read this series, but I would recommend this book to people who adore cats, fantasy and a “Cat-ful” of adventure, mystery, and if you read this, be cautioned you won't want to put this awesome book down by Erin Hunter!


This article has 1 comment.

Odyesseus said...
on Jan. 11 2012 at 10:04 am
Its called the sight