Best Girl by Emma Harrison | Teen Ink

Best Girl by Emma Harrison

July 22, 2011
By haha4579 GOLD, Westfield, Wisconsin
haha4579 GOLD, Westfield, Wisconsin
17 articles 1 photo 36 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's a car, that runs on water!" - Hyde

As we venture through the world of reading, we come across books we love, and books we can’t stand. Best Girl by Emma Harrison, is a 275 paged book of what teenagers are really like! Most books that are written by adults, seem to have little to no clue what the amazing teen years are.

Best Girl is about a Colorado collage student name “Jane”. We first meet “Jane” when she is on her way to her last final of the semester, when she runs into her hottie crush “Hot Conner”. “Jane” talks to “Hot Conner” for a few minuets, when he has to get on his way to work.

After finishing her final, “Jane” is dreading the upcoming few days, because her beloved older brother Jonah, is getting married to high class, rich, Marni Shay. Plus, her mom who calls her by her real name Farrah, will be on her all the time for not being to girly.

“Jane” or Farrah, knows that this is gonna be a wild few days when a limo comes to pick her up and when she gets to the lavish ski resort, she falls into trouble with Marni’s wild and crazy, little sister, Biff, when they go and get caught eating cake in the resorts kitchen by “Hot Conner”.

The next few days for Farrah were filled with lies, planning her brother’s bachelor party because she’s the “best girl”, and spending a lot of time with Biff and “Hot Conner”, and oh ya, getting ready for a wedding Farrah thinks will be from hell!

This book sends you through twist and turns, but in the end, I loved this book! I would recommend this book for any teenager, mostly girls, who enjoy a sweet romance book, thats real, and will make you laugh the whole way through it! This a can’t put down book. I would give it five stars and I hope you enjoy it!


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