Forged By Fire by Sharon M. Draper | Teen Ink

Forged By Fire by Sharon M. Draper

October 15, 2011
By haybug35618 SILVER, Martinsburg, West Virginia
haybug35618 SILVER, Martinsburg, West Virginia
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm not living, I'm breathing to death.

Sharon Draper’s Forged by Fire is a heartwarming novel that will keep you thinking. It tells the tragic life of a boy, Gerald, and his younger sister, Angel. Gerald has been with his aunt his whole life, but when she dies, he is forced into a home like no other. Filled with nothing but anger and frustration, his only getaway is his sister. He feels the need to protect her from they’re abusive stepfather. This story is an amazing example of perseverance and bravery. Although the book was made to entertain, it also sends a message to children all over the world. This novel flows together very nicely. It is written in third person point of view. The author did an excellent job with characterization. She made the story come to life through the characters and even brought tears to my eyes throughout the chapters.

The author made the story come to life by elaborating on descriptions of events, and feelings that followed. The antagonist is the stepfather, Jordan. Sharon Draper makes this very clear by giving great detail of his anger and sometimes tricking you into believing his lies. The protagonist is the oldest son, Gerald. Gerald is also the main character. Although he isn’t the narrator, the author focuses on his emotions. This really made the story seem real.

All in all, I feel that the author did an unbelievable job on elaboration and coherence. Sharon M. Draper’s Forged by Fire was a phenomenal novel that I would definitely recommend to young adults who enjoy reading about tragedy, bravery, and happy endings.


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