I'd Tell you I Love You But Then I'd Have to Kill You by Ally Carter | Teen Ink

I'd Tell you I Love You But Then I'd Have to Kill You by Ally Carter

October 26, 2011
By ilovelibros BRONZE, Castro Valley, California
ilovelibros BRONZE, Castro Valley, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’d tell you I love you but then I’d have to kill you by Ally Carter is a fascinating novel about true friends, thrilling adventure and a group of girls who can really kick butt. It is a lighthearted book that will take you out of any bad mood.
The main character of the novel is fifteen year old Cammie “the Chameleon” Morgan, who is a student at the all girls private school called Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women. Everyone who doesn’t have high enough “clearance” believes Gallagher Academy is just a school for bored heiresses. This school is actually for spies.
Cammie is what she calls a “pavement artist.” This basically means the she can hide in plain sight and is great at tailing (following without them knowing) people. Cammie also has some amazing friends who have equally amazing abilities. Bex (short for Rebecca) is a top-notch British spy who can persuade anyone to get what she wants. Liz is a super-genius who can hack into any computer in less than sixty seconds. Macey is the daughter of the most powerful people in the country, she just started training but she is a great spy, and most importantly, she speaks boy.
Set in a fictional town in present-day Virginia, Cammie and her friends go through what every young spy-to-be must master. They hack into heavily guarded places, they take down men three times their size, they completely change their look with shoe polish and nail clippers, and they speak fourteen different languages.
During a covert operations assignment in her town of Roseville, Cammie meets Josh Abrams, a boy who saw her when no one else did. Unfortunately, Josh is a regular all-American boy who can never know Cammie’s secret. After Cammie goes on a couple dates with Josh she must decide if she should continue seeing him, and risk everything, or break up with him and break her heart.
Carter creates an entertaining novel that is a very fun read and has everything a girl could want. I enjoy this book over and over and never tire of reading it.


This article has 1 comment.

Fc 2017 said...
on Nov. 7 2011 at 5:15 pm
Teh book is well constructed but on chapter 26 it never ends and then the next page is the same as the first page of thechapter before that, but it was very interesting and funny considering I'm only 13.