Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles | Teen Ink

Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles

November 28, 2011
By JacesFutureWife SILVER, Winder, Georgia
JacesFutureWife SILVER, Winder, Georgia
9 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." - Dr. Suess
"Love makes the time pass. Time makes love pass." - French Proverb
"Live, Love, Laugh" - Unknown

We all have our images of what our perfect prince charming would be like. We, or at lease I have, have imagined our perfect wedding day and what it will be like when we finally say the words, "I Do!". We also know that things don't always turn out the way we plan and sometimes circumstances force us into things we never thought we would have to do, but in the end it is always worth it whether some people want to admit it or not. Sometimes people don't want to see two people that love each together. They will do anything to separate them.

Meet Brittany Ellis who is "perfect". The perfect clothes, hair-style, parents, and altogether the perfect life, but that is just on the outside though. Looks can be deceiving though. Brittany isn't perfect as everyone think. With her overbearing mother and a sister that has cerebral palsy and a dad that is almost never home things are falling apart fast.

Meet Alex Fuentes who is a all around "bad boy". He has a motorcycle named Julio, a dad who got shot by the gang he is in right now and on top of all that he just wants out, but he has resolved himself to the fact that he will never be able to get out no matter what happens; he's stuck. Then the unstoppable happens. What to do, what to do? Apparently Alex thinks the solution is to make a bet with his friend, Paco, that he can get into her pants and if he doesn't then Paco gets his most prized item. His motorcycle Julio. Alex, being the overconfident person he is, agrees to Paco's bet. Then something he never saw coming happens. Little Miss. Brittany and Mr. Fuentes get paired up as partners in, wait, here comes the irony, Chemistry. They hate each other, but there is a fine line between love and hate. They don't start bordering it until about the middle of the book though and then it seems everything starts getting questioned. Especially for Brittany.

She has spent all her time trying to present herself as someone who is untouchable and perfect. When she starts falling for Alex she has to make some decisions. Being with Alex meant giving up her reputation, her boyfriend, and her friends. Can she really give up everything to be with Alex and can Alex give up somethings to be with Brittany? Well, go read them book and you will find out! I highly recommend this book. It has romance and action all packed into one thing! This is a love story you won't be soon forgetting! So go buy it and read it! You won't be sorry you did! I promise!!


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