Lupita Manana by Pitricia Beatty | Teen Ink

Lupita Manana by Pitricia Beatty

December 19, 2011
By Adeola Awolaja BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
Adeola Awolaja BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Lupita Mañana Review

In the book Lupita Mañana, two siblings, Lupita and Salvador, must cross from Mexico to the U.S. to seek jobs in order to support their family after their father died in a tragic fishing boat accident. They face many challenges which show off Lupita’s courage and Salvador’s tremendous stupidity. Once they arrive at their aunt Consuelo’s house greeted with a cold hello, and the story continues from there.

This book was very entertaining and the story’s plot hypnotizes you to continue, but you snap right out of it every time Lupita and Salvador get into a dilemma, which is solved quick and easy due to their ridiculous and improbable luck.

On their way to the U.S., Lupita and Salvador come across boxcars of a train and have the idea to hide in them knowing the train is on its way the U.S. boarder patrol is also aware of this and they check the cars leaving Lupita and Salvador’s boxcar unchecked. This part was very unrealistic. It was also unrealistic that they found jobs in Colton so quickly with almost no effort after being picked up at the end of the railroad ride by a man with a blue van that appeared to be a definite pedophile. Apart from these situations, I was entertained by this book. The part at the dance kept me at the edge of my seat when La Migra catches up with them and ends the book’s excitement with a surprise ending.
I would recommend this book to kids the age of 12 and up or so because they would be able to grasp it more with more knowledge. I would also recommend watching the film La misma luna after reading Lupita Mañana because of the similarities between the two.


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