A Great Book | Teen Ink

A Great Book

January 12, 2012
By RyanSellers11 BRONZE, Pennsboro, West Virginia
RyanSellers11 BRONZE, Pennsboro, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Book Review Outline
Book title and author: Where the Red Fern Grows by: Wilson Rawls

Where the Red Fern Grows is a book about a teenage boy named Billy Coleman. Billy and his family live on a farm in a valley in the Ozark Mountains in 1932. The only thing that Billy wants in the world is two little dogs that he can coon hunt with. Billy's Grandpa owns a store about a mile away from Billy's house. One day, Billy walks in the store and his grandpa tells him about hunting dogs being on sale because of “The Great Depression”. Billy travels by foot to a town called Tahlequah to buy two coon hunting dogs. Billy calls them “Dan and Ann”.
Description and summary of main points
Billy trains the dogs how to be good hunters and they turn out to be the best hunting team in the Ozark Mountains. Glory and victory came their way by winning a coon hunting competition. Although they were successful, there was sadness coming their way. One night while hunting, a mountain lion attacks Dan and he starts losing a lot of blood and eventually dies. After burying him, Little Ann stars to fast and she won't eat her food. She eventually dies too and they bury her beside Old Dan. A few years later, Billy and his family have to move away from their home. Billy visits the graves of his best friends and a red fern has grown in between their graves. Billy calls his parents from the house and they all see the rare red fern between the two best dogs to ever hunt in the Ozark Mountains. Billy then realizes that he can only remember the good times because there was plenty of them.
Billy Coleman Old Dan Little Ann Billy's Parents Billy's 2 sisters Grandpa Coleman
The Ozark Mountain


Your final review

This is a great book.


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