Inkheart by cornilia funke | Teen Ink

Inkheart by cornilia funke

February 24, 2012
By Anonymous

Amazing! The fantasy book Inkheart was written wonderfully by Cornelia Funke. I must say, the idea of reading characters out of a book is phenomenal! In the book Mo (or Silvertounge) can read characters out of a book. Some characters are most pleasant to have and others can ruin your life, forever.
When an old friend (Dustfinger) comes to visit (~spoiler alert ~ read him out of a book accidently) to warn Mo that Capricorn (~spoiler alert ~the evil character that Mo accidently reads out of a book) is coming back for Mo. He plans to force Mo to read a character out of a book that has an evil power to destroy everything. If mo refuses to read the character out then Mo daughter will pay the price that price is death! When they come across some problems (~spoiler alert ~ Maggie has the same power as Mo) they could die or survive the horrible and torrential times.
This book is definitely for mature and fantasy loving readers. Although the book is very long, it`s wonderful! The way cornilia writes is just so detailed you may find you`re self trapped in this exciting, ands thrilling novel. The best part is, there are three books in the series! There`s Inkhert, Inkspell, and Inkdeath, and the movie Inkheart. Be sure to watch/read them all them all! If I were to rate this book it would most definitely get a five out of five star rating.
The book is six hundred thirty two pages long , it`s a long book so if you are going to read it make sure you have time.This book is very confusing, like the book Inkhert igsist in Inkheart and the author is Fenolioand I stink, and it switches from world(our world) to world(Inkheart world). But aside from that it is a great book and I hope the size of it won`t turn you down.


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