The Lonely Hearts Club by Elizabeth Eulberg | Teen Ink

The Lonely Hearts Club by Elizabeth Eulberg

March 8, 2012
By karate8princesspinkM SILVER, San Gabriel, California
karate8princesspinkM SILVER, San Gabriel, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“My head raced with all the information from the evening–this was only our first official meeting, and already so many of us were changing and so many secrets had been revealed. I was sure that over time only more would come out. Maybe even a few of my own”(108).

This novel of Elizabeth Eulberg’s, is amazing, the way it was woven together is beautiful. This novel consists of 290 pages in all. This author is one of Stephenie Meyer’s best friends. If you are a Twilight fan, read this book after you read my blog post.

The Lonely Hearts Club is all about Penny Lane Bloom. Her parents are Beatles lunatics–her oldest sister, Lucy is getting married, her second oldest sister, Rita is away at college, and Penny Lane herself, is facing difficult relationship problems.

She is now sick of guys, and she starts a club, The Lonely Hearts Club, and in this club, you are not allowed to date. But Penny Lane herself is starting to become attracted to this boy, but she doesn’t know what to do…. What can she do now? Her club doesn’t allow her to date, but she wants this boy for herself.

Read to find out what happens next.

I really like the friendship that Diane, Tracy, Penny Lane, and their club has. They tell each other everything that bothers them, and the club suggests ideas on how to fix it. Its just the way they aren’t afraid that their friends are going to laugh at their problems, or tell others about their darkest secrets. I know some friends that I could really trust like the people that Penny Lane can trust, I have many friends that I could trust with anything. And I won’t be afraid that the secret would be told out loud. I always can trust certain people more than others, since some people have a bigger mouth than others….

“While Diane, Jessica, and Jen discussed basketball plans for the weekend, I couldn’t help but be impressed by how Diane showed absolutely no hesitation in discussing her big change. There wasn’t any remorse or regret–she knew she was making the right decision, even if she didn’t end up making the team. It seemed like we had a team of our own now”(132). I really like this quote, is because it talks about Diane quitting the cheer leading team, even if she is the cheer captain, for the basketball try-outs. And she doesn’t care if she makes it or not. I really want to have this courage that Diane has. I really want to be able to do something for myself to be proud of. Actually, I already did–I placed 9th place in the FBLA(Future Business Leaders of America) Competition. Everyone didn’t think a team of three eighth graders and one seventh grader could place 9th against 49 other high schools and one other middle school. I wowed everyone–even myself. I would want to do this more often, to wow myself, not other people, but I want to do things for myself, not for other people to be proud or me. I want to be able to only make myself proud, even if my parents or friends, or whatever disapprove. I want to have this trait of confidence to follow my own heart, and not what others want me to become.

“Because even though it was the middle of the night, I could still sing, ‘Here Comes the Sun’ and mean every word, every emotion. Especially about the part about it being all right. It was perfect”(285). This quote is about having everything being perfect, and nothing could ruin it. I believe this is kind of like the quote I chose for my blog post on Rosebush. Life is full of ups and downs, one moment everything it’s perfect, and the next it feels like it’s the end of the world. I really can relate to this quote so much. I am a teenager. Of course we teenagers always feel like it is the end of the world, or a moment is perfect, so perfect that nothing could ruin it. Well, I hope that everyone has at least a moment that they feel that is perfect.

Thanks for reading my blog post.


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