Unwind by Neal Shusterman | Teen Ink

Unwind by Neal Shusterman

July 25, 2012
By cinataly000 BRONZE, Lemont, Illinois
cinataly000 BRONZE, Lemont, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't make permanent decisions based on temporary emotions.

Unwind is a thrilling book about three teenagers Connor, Risa, and Lev who are about to be ‘unwound’. Meaning they will be dismembered limb from limb so all of their body parts can be used as organ donors. In the future where this book takes place, being unwound is very common and it can happen to anyone between the ages of 13 and 18. Connor is being unwound by his parents request because he is a rebellious son. Risa is being unwound because she is a ward of the state whose talents aren’t useful enough to society. And finally, Lev is a Tithe meaning he is being unwound for his religion. When fate throws these three characters together, they must hide wherever they can to escape being unwound and save their lives.
Unwind is definitely a unique idea for a story. At first I didn’t like the way the author never explained certain ideas, but it all came together in the end. I’d never read a book that made me sit on the edge of my seat wishing my eyes would read faster to see what’s coming next. It’s eerie, suspenseful, and a little bit romantic suitable for any teen. The ideas presented in this book will make you stop and think, unless you’re completely captivated by the reading. I highly recommend this book.

The author's comments:
When this book was assigned to me as required summer reading I wasn't ecstatic. Mainly because it was homework during the summer, and who wants that? Now I wish I didn’t put off reading it this until late July, because it was amazing! Now I’m excited this was the summer reading and I can’t wait to discuss this in my English classes when I return to school.


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