Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer | Teen Ink

Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer

August 2, 2012
By nicholas881 BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
nicholas881 BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments

I never quite knew I was the type of person who would just seem to enjoy a book based on the subject of mountaineering but Jon Krakauer showed me that it could be a very interesting topic. Providing graphic description of what has now become my dream… Climbing to the top of the world.
When beginning this book I was trying to be open minded but I had my doubts, I never thought that this author could convey the true tragedy that occurred that fateful day when a storm took the lives of many at the summit of Mt. Everest. But Jon surprised me and showed me the true hardship of the human struggle to survive and the intensity of nature fury.
This is the surreal story of what really happed that fateful day at the top of the world… Mt. Everest. During what would turn out to be the most deadly season that Everest has had yet (1996). In this stunning and breathtaking first person account of this very incident, Jon Krakauer pulls the reader through his unlucky expedition, step by step from the lower camps and village of Kathmandu to the top of the mountain where the climbers would fall victim to the mountains unimaginable fury.
The best part about this book in my opinion is the detail that Jon put in the story. Throughout reading the novel I felt as though I was right besides Jon and his team as they begun the hike from the bottom up to the very top. Not to mention you don’t have to have any prior of knowledge of the subject (but I suggest you do it can help) because the author added footnotes to tell you the in-depth meaning of the words or places that the characters came across.
What I didn’t like about the book was a little slow at the beginning. I have a hard time getting through the beginning if it is slow but once they were at base camp it started to pick up speed and to my surprise turned out to be a real page turner.
If you are a fan of adventure novels that take you right beside the main character and make you feel there pain and excitement then this is definitely a book for you. That being said I would recommend this to everyone not just those adventure seekers. I Hope that you’ll take the time to read this book.


This article has 2 comments.

on Aug. 25 2012 at 2:38 pm
magicmiller BRONZE, Reno Nv, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 3 comments
Very informative review! Definetly looks like a good read

on Aug. 24 2012 at 12:18 am
xavierc96 BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 3 comments
Nice review like the organization and word choice. As well as how you described the authors writing. Your review has definitely put this book on my to read