The Hunger Pains by The Harvard Lampoon | Teen Ink

The Hunger Pains by The Harvard Lampoon

October 10, 2012
By Jarron Roy BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
Jarron Roy BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
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The Hunger Pains by The Harvard Lampoon is an amazingly funny book that will entertain you beyond measure. The Hunger Pains is a page turner although not out of suspense it is the funniest book I have ever read. In this dystopian novel Kantkiss lives in the country of Peaceland in the telemarketing districts worst neighborhood “the Crack.” She hunts with her partner Carol Handsomestein. When on Super Fun Day Prin is the last girl to touch her nose, Kantkiss is involuntarily volunteered to go to the Hunger Games. Then she finds that her competitor is Peeta Malarkey, who helped Kantkiss in her time of most weakness. In the arena she finds that the only struggle is not on the battlefield but in her heart, which is sadly on a battlefield. I recommend this Book for anybody who loves The Hunger Games. The Harvard Lampoon has also published Knightlight and Bored of the Rings. All in all, The Hunger Pains is a hilarious book that I recommend for anybody.


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