vampire diaries by L.j smith | Teen Ink

vampire diaries by L.j smith

January 8, 2013
By symone martin BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
symone martin BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do you like adventure, romance, and mysterious killings? This book is all that and more and will leave any reader wanting to read the next series in this book.
The Vampire diaries by; L.j smith is about a teenage girl by the name of Elena Gilbert. She goes through a lot of drama with her parents being dead over the summer by a horrible car crash, to her little brother Jeremy smoking pot to get rid of all the emotional pain. As the school year is approaching Elena is back to her friends who try to put her on the right track once again while her and her brother are living with her aunt Jenna. Elena and her friend bonnie later on the school year run into two boys; Damon and Stefan Salvatore. Damon and Stefan appear to be lovely sweet boys to Elena and her friends but secretly they are vampires. These two boys end up taking Elena and her friends on a journey between life and death. Some will make it alive and some will not. I think this book is amazing and action thrilled. Full of wonder that will leave the reader wanting more. This book is 100% good. Its adventurous its romance and will leave any reader wanting to read more .if I could put an award on this book I would. I highly recommend this book.


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