The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan | Teen Ink

The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan

January 23, 2013
By JannaT BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
JannaT BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
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The Mark of Athena
Rick Riordan

Everything...all of the other, smaller quests have lead up to this one, the quest of The Prophecy. The quest to defeat the evil, earth goddess, Gaea. It was time to put The Prophecy into action, time to get the chosen seven together, time to have them save the world.
In The Mark of Athena, Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Leo, Frank, and Hazel are the chosen seven from The Prophecy. They have been prepared for this for their whole life. It all started when the goddess, Hera, had taken Percy’s and Jason’s memories away, and put them into two, totally different camps. Percy was from Camp Half-Blood, and Jason was from Camp Jupiter. Camp Half-Blood was a Greek demigod camp, and Camp Jupiter was a Roman demigod camp. Hera’s objective was for their friends to find out where they had gone, and to bring the two enemy camps together.
Once the Greeks had found the Romans, they had a fight, a fight that started the seven on their quest. So, Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Leo, Frank, and Hazel were on their way to Rome to defeat the sons of Gaea, who were giants, which was the first step to defeating Gaea. They faced many challenges on their way to Rome, most of which were sent by Gaea to stop them from coming.
When they got to Rome, Annabeth knew that she had to go alone, on her own quest, which many of the sons and daughters of Athena had failed. Her quest was to find the missing statue of Athena, the real one from the real Parthenon. She knew that she would have to face her most biggest fear of all...spiders.
The Mark of Athena is a great book to read, it has so much action, and it has a twist of some romance in it. Once I started reading it, I couldn’t put it down, I had to keep reading. Rick Riordan would almost always leave you hanging there at the end of a chapter, which is what made the book so interesting, and mind captivating.
I think that Rick Riordan did a great job with keeping the book interesting, and by not having the book slow down, like a lot of books do. I just love the way he has all of his books relate to some kind of mythology. It gives each and every one of his books a twist.
This book has taught me to trust people, to be loyal, and to have a good friendship. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves, action and adventure, and is into fantasy, mythology or legends. Overall, I think that The Mark of Athena is the best book that Rick Riordan has ever written in any of his series, including, The Heroes of Olympus.


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