Cyberia by Chris Lynch | Teen Ink

Cyberia by Chris Lynch

February 4, 2013
By Jake Silverstein BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Jake Silverstein BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
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I thought Cyberia was a very creative and entertaining book. I thought Chris Lynch did a good job of describing the characters in the story. I think I would definitely read another one of his books.
Zane’s room is full of technology. It has big television screens on the walls, and he has a big, old desktop. His room knows his temperature, his blood pressure, and it even knows when he needs to go to the bathroom. Zane’s parents both work a lot and he doesn’t see them very much. His mom is a news reporter and his dad talks about politics and other things going on in the world on the radio. He can communicate with them through all the electronics and technology he has in his room. Zane sometimes get annoyed by having all this stuff in his room, his room can even talk to him and can tell when something’s wrong. He likes some of it though, like there’s a device on his wall that sends the scent of his breakfast up to his room. So if his mom made him waffles, he’ll smell them in his room. I thought that was his coolest contraption.
Zane loves his little, white dog, Hugo. Zane is an only child, so Hugo is kind of like a brother to him. But Zane’s whole relationship with his dog changes when his dad gets him a new gadget called a Gizzard. The Gizzard lets Zane talk to animals through a noodle-shaped earpiece or through a phone-like object. At first, Zane was kind of freaked out and didn’t like the idea of his dog talking to him, but he gets used to it. But since Hugo can talk to him, Zane learns some new things and gets into a pretty big pickle.
Zane doesn’t really have any friends in the book, but Hugo tells him that the vet he’s taking him to is evil. He tries rescuing the animals from his office, and they kind of become his friends. Dr. Gristle, the vet, is putting chips in animals so that humans can control them and complete everyday objectives with them. Zane knows that the animals are getting hurt in the process, and he needs to stop Dr. Gristle. He gathers as many animals as he can in a place called the WildWood. If you want to find out if Zane saves them, you’ll have to read the book.

Overall, I thought Cyberia was a good book. I didn’t like it very much at first, because it was kind of confusing, but it starts to make more sense later on in the book. I think people who like fantasy and far-fetched stories should read this book, but I’m not really a big fan of those types and I still enjoyed it, so have an open mind and read it! Anyone that likes suspense should read it too, because it ends with a cliffhanger. There’s a Cyberia 2, and I would like to read it. I thought Chris Lynch did a good job by putting just the right amount of humor in the book. One thing he could’ve done better though was describe the setting. I didn’t really know where and when the story was set, and I think that’s what confused me in the beginning.


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