Jack And Jill by James Patterson | Teen Ink

Jack And Jill by James Patterson

October 25, 2013
By ElenaParapunova BRONZE, Thornton Co, Colorado
ElenaParapunova BRONZE, Thornton Co, Colorado
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James Patterson’s Jack and Jill is the number one thriller that demolishes every nerve inside your body. As you read, you will come upon many different characters with divergent personalities and how they identify society. This book contains many mysterious and suspenseful scenes that glue you to the book immediately, transporting you into the criminal life of Alex Cross. Detective Alex Cross is not the typical D.C. homicide cop; in fact, he is Washington’s finest. Two criminals known as Jack and Jill, kill one of the most authoritative men in the U.S. Senate, not to mention, the entire world is watching. On the other hand, someone else murders a little black girl, but no one seems to care. Only Alex Cross knows how to unravel the dark thoughts and mischievous plans running through these executioners’ minds. This being one of Cross’s most terrorizing cases yet, he has to cease a lethal force in order to save the authority of the world’s nation.

James Patterson created such unique characters that display distinctive thoughts going through each figure. The main character Alex Cross makes the entire story sound more superior. As the protagonist in the story, he illustrates the true meaning of what it means to be a true cop. Cross shows lots of interest and admiration to his career; he gets deeply attached to his criminal cases, therefore inspiring him to dig deeper in order to getting one step closer to solving his murder investigations. Jack, one of the cold blooded killers on the other hand, is very passionate about murdering innocent lives. He makes each execution painful and slow; reading Patterson’s descriptive interpretation of Jack’s thoughts and actions, makes the reader get goose bumps. “The senator is handcuffed to his bedposts. His body is nude and not a pretty sight. Genitals appear to have been gouged out of the body. There’s a lot of blood all over the bed as well.” (Patterson 30).

Jack and Jill accommodate lots of suspense and thriller as you read through the book. Detective Cross having a wild goose chase with the so called “child killer”, is an example. But when the “killer” is forced to make a life or death decision, he chooses the path that leads to consequences and misleads on Alex Cross’s murder case. This book has so many incidents where I was forced to think that the protagonist was so close to solving his case, but a few pages later, I was filled with distress and anxiety because the resolution was not yet revealed. Even though this novel does not expose the answers to the questions that readers are determined to discover, it made me curious enough to keep on reading.
I would recommend this book to readers who strongly admire thrillers and mystery books. If you are not a patient individual, this book is not for you because the story goes through a long process of investigation until the solutions are unleashed. This novel filled me with many mixed emotions; you just do not know what to expect from this great book. I enjoyed absolutely every second of reading this book. Thou shall keep calm and prepare to get sucked into a world of crime and adventure!


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