The Red Pony by John Steinbeck | Teen Ink

The Red Pony by John Steinbeck

November 22, 2013
By ElegantLove BRONZE, Bluefield, West Virginia
ElegantLove BRONZE, Bluefield, West Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't fight for someone when they wont even give you the time of day...

My Book Review
Book title and author: “The Red Pony.” John Steinbeck
Title of review: A Very Intricate Review
Number of stars (1 to 5): 3

This book was an okay read. It was written by a very intricate writer. John Steinbeck is a author of many books. One is The Red Pony. This book is also a book with four short stories in one book. The Red Pony is a story about a boy dealing with family problems that may or may not change his life.
Description and summary of content
This story was set in the 1930’s and it was on the California plains. The main character is Jody Tifflin. Jody is a ten year old boy who just wants a pony. Jody’s father, Carl Tifflin, gave him a pony in the first story “The Gift”. The Pony ended up getting very sick from the weather. Jody stood by Gabilan (the pony) all the days of Gabilian’s life. Eventually, the pony died of a lump on its jaw, evaluated as strangles. In the second story “The Great Mountains”, Jody and his family were peaceful until a man named Mr. Gitano. He asked if he could die on the property where he was born and raised. Just then the Tifflin’s lives have changed forever. The old man Gitano stole their horse and left. In the third book “The Promise”, Jody gets promised by Billy (the farm hand), the colt from Carl’s mama pony. Throughout the story the mama runs over to the next door neighbor and mates with his stallion. One thing leads to another, and the mama is pregnant. Jody’s colt was born, but the mom was not able to see the colt’s life progress. Finally, in the third story, “The Leader of the people” Jody’s grandfather comes over and believe me he is repetitive. And eventually he gets told by Carl what he thinks.
I love this book but it’s not the best. I can’t wait to see what other books are in store.
Honestly this book is a collaboration of stories. I think Jody and his family has a lot of problems but he will get over them. This story to sum it all up is about family and love.

The author's comments:
I am doing this for school and I probably would've ended up reading this book anyways.


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