Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick | Teen Ink

Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

January 2, 2014
By catforb BRONZE, Castro, Valley, California
catforb BRONZE, Castro, Valley, California
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
Hush, Hush is a sensational novel that has something hidden inside its covers for all types of readers. This book masterfully combines romance, mystery, suspense, action, adventure, and fantasy with a beautifully crafted story line. Becca Fitzpatrick takes the readers on a journey through the epic romance story of Patch Cipriano, a fallen angel, and Nora Grey a typical teenage girl blending into the shadows of high school, that is until she meets Patch, a mysterious boy with a dangerous past. This book is full of excitement and obstacles for Nora and Patch, as the readers find out if Nora and Patch’s love can survive through all types of complications. Now, this book isn’t just about love, it also has betrayal and major plot twists that will shock all readers. It challenges the reader to think and connect the “dots” of the complex story line together.

Throughout the book the readers will fall in love with the relatable characters. One of those characters is Vee Sky, Nora’s best friend. Vee is the funny girl with the big personality, who through the thick of the book comically believes that her main concern is boys, and the more mundane high school problems compared to the challenges and dangers that Nora is going through. Another relatable character is Marcie, the typical mean girl and one of Nora’s enemies. At the beginning of the book Fitzpatrick shows the readers the conflicts between Marcie and Nora, but slowly as the story line thickens and as the problems become more significant, Fitzpatrick uses the character Marcie to convey to the readers how Nora’s usual plain life has taken an interesting turn and problems that seemed important in the past become less prominent to Nora as the book progresses.

This book takes the readers out of their own world and into the world of Nora and Patch. Throughout this book Fitzpatrick leaves the readers at a place where they thought the book couldn’t be taken. As you read this book you will laugh at the antics of Vee, you will gasp and jeer at Marcie, and you will cheer for (and possibly cry for) Nora and Patch. Fitzpatrick lets the readers slip into her world where anything can happen. She happily and successfully combines two worlds to create a wonderful place where romance meets tragedy, and where love may not conquer all.

The author's comments:
This is a book review about one of my favorite books


This article has 2 comments.

catforb BRONZE said...
on Jan. 28 2014 at 7:49 pm
catforb BRONZE, Castro, Valley, California
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
Thank you for the positive comment! I will keep writing and I hope that everyone who has read this article liked it! Please leave more comments!

on Jan. 11 2014 at 5:57 pm
You're awesome, keep writing!