The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien | Teen Ink

The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien

March 27, 2014
By Edward_C. BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Edward_C. BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
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The Hobbit is a book by J.R.R Tolkien and is about a Hobbit (a creature a little smaller than a human) Named Bilbo Baggins who is on a quest with a wizard (Gandalf) and 12 Dwarves (Fili, Kili, Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Gloin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Balin, and Dwalin) to steal back the gold from the evil Smaug(a dragon),the setting in this story takes place in middle earth, the genre is sci-fi because it takes place in another world with different creatures.

One of my favorite things about The Hobbit is the main character Bilbo. I like him because he is quirky, and strange, but is also courageous and brave. Bilbo is a Hobbit but has a side of his family which is his tookish side, that is the courageous and brave side that kicks in sometimes in the book, and really helps the plotline grow. My second favorite thing is the creativeness and thought of the author. J.R.R Tolkien really shows what the characters are thinking and what they feel. In The Hobbit, the plotline is always very awesome and there is never a dull moment. I would recommend this book to anyone from 10 - 20 or basically any age, this book is amazing and adventurous and will make you want to read the series, The Lord of The Rings.

In the story in this book, Bilbo finds the weak spot on Smaug and tells the Dwarves what he had found, little did they know a thrush bird was listening and went to tell the lake-men. After that Smaug disappears and is nowhere to be seen. When they find out Smaug died they have parties and sing songs, until the lake-men come to gain their reward for killing Smaug. When they come to get a reward a fight breaks out and they prepare for war, Thorin calling in his cousin Dain son of Nain to help fight the lake-men and the wood-elves. When suddenly a black cloud of something appears and Gandalf the wizard says its the goblins, accompanied by Wolves, Wargs, and bats, so the Lake-men, Wood-elves, Dwarves, Bilbo, And Gandalf join together to fight, But who will win? Find out by reading this fantastic book.


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