Holes | Teen Ink


April 2, 2014
By Rebecca McGraw BRONZE, Martins Ferry, Ohio
Rebecca McGraw BRONZE, Martins Ferry, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The book that I am reviewing is called “Holes”, by Louis Sacher. I feel that Holes is a very well-written book. I am going to tell you why I feel it is a great book. I highly recommend that you read this book.

It is very easy to understand everything in the book. It is easy to understand what the setting is, what person they are talking about in each part, and what they saying in every sentence. They use big words in it, but they are words that almost everyone has heard of before. I enjoyed every part of this book and I would read it again for sure.

This book is about a boy named Stanley Yelnats. I like how his first is his last name backwards, I found that cool. He is sent to a place called Camp Green Lake. He meets a lot of boys there with weird nicknames, such as Armpit, Barf Bag, Zero, X-ray, and Squid. Their instructor is named Mr. Pendanski, which they called Mom. Camp Green lake is not as fun as it sounds.

In conclusion, I really enjoyed reading this book. This is very well-written, and I would read it again. It is by far one of my favorite books. Would you like to read this book?


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