Runaway twin by Peg Kehret | Teen Ink

Runaway twin by Peg Kehret

April 8, 2014
By Lindseyviel BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Lindseyviel BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I have really enjoyed this book. It’s full of suspense and the true meaning of family. This is a fiction book. This story is about a girl named Sunny. Her mom and grandmother died in a car accident. Then, she and her twin sister, Starr, were split up, and Sunny hasn't seen or heard from Starr ever since.
This story has many morals. In this story the morals are different with each foster family she stays with. In one family that she stays with the husband or his nickname as Sunny calls him " The Boss of the World" is very mean and strict. If Sunny leaves the refrigerator door open too long looking for something she gets no dinner and has to go to bed hungry. Another family she stays with is as Sunny would call her " she-who hates anything pretty". This woman made Sunny dress like an 80 year old woman for school. And now she stays with Rita, the perfect foster mom except for her healthy food faddish. Sunny loves Rita’s home the best.
Sunny has one thing missing though. She wishes to be reunited with her twin sister Starr. All she has to remember her by is an old photograph taken just days before they were separated. Sunny then has a great opportunity. While walking to the store for Twinkies, Sunny stumbles upon a bag of money. She advertises it, but no one claims it. Sunny then takes a cross- country journey in search of her long lost sister, Starr.
The only part of the book that I’m not a fan of is when she finally reaches Starr. Starr doesn't know who she is and never knew she had a twin sister. Starr is very bratty towards Sunny. Sunny then realizes she liked her life better with Rita and leaves to go live with Rita again.
I didn't like this ending because I wanted Sunny to live with her sister and be happy, but she didn’t. She is still very happy living with Rita though too. Overall, I liked this book a lot. It had lessons and morals in it. I would recommend this for kids in middle school.
Even though this story wasn't real, I thought that the author wrote this with a realistic voice. It seemed like all the events and the story actually happened. Even though this book says its present day, I feel like it takes place in the 1970s because now days, If you saw a teen alone, you would take them somewhere safe and return them to their home. In the story, Sunny meets lots of people, but not one of them question her about where shes going or where she lives.
This is an awesome book. I would recommend it to people who like to read adventures and family stories.


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