The Maze Runner by James Dashner | Teen Ink

The Maze Runner by James Dashner

April 24, 2014
By lucap BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
lucap BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments

“Take a deep breath before you start any James Dashner book.”—Deseret News.
Now that is very true, the maze runner is James Dashner's biggest novel and series that he currently has on the market. With outstanding writing, word choice climax and the overall plot really gets readers sucked into the book and then the series, but this review will only focus on the first book. With the Maze Runner being the first instalment to the three part series it is important that the author sets the mood and an outstanding and arraying characters Which James Dashner did Especially well.

The Maze Runner, alike Lord Of Flies features only boys in the setting, but that changes shortly after the main protagonist shows up, his name is Thomas. Once Thomas entered the Maze all of his previous memories are wiped, but there still there because as you progress into the book you slowly unroll some of his old memories and you learn a very dark secret about Thomas at the end of the book. The setting takes place sometime in the future, but the biggest part is that the boys are trapped inside a big building that simulates the outside and they don't know where they are, for all they know they are in space.

The Maze Runner takes place somewhere called the Glade. Now the Glade is split into 2 parts, the Glade and then the Maze, Hence the name of the book. Now what separates the boys between the Glade and then the Maze is giant stone walls. Now these walls open and close every night and they close because there are these things called Grievers which is a type of monster that runs around at night, but sometimes at day and then when it does it stings you and then the only way you can live is if you administer this thing called the Grief serum.

The Maze Runner hooked me in at times, once you get a chapter or two in you begin to notice that a lot of commonly used words are replaced with much distinct and unique array of words such as instead of calling somebody by their name they will replace their name with shank. I think the author included this because it represented how the boys adapted to living in an environment without having any adults or any trustworthy supervision. Another one is that the boys refer to the people that created the maze as the creators and not just the people who created the maze, I feel like they do this because of how they don’t see the people that created the maze as actual people and then can you blame them? No you can't because in the situation that there in, the adults seem to have less order than the kids in the Glade.

Now my final opinion of the maze runner is that it is an amazing book part of one my favorite genres (dystopian novels). and has so much critical acclaim and it deserves all of it. If you are looking for a great book to read and many hours to be fully engaged and entertained then be prepared for the Maze Runner


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