Ranger's Apprentice - Sorcerer of the North by John Flanagan | Teen Ink

Ranger's Apprentice - Sorcerer of the North by John Flanagan

May 2, 2014
By Leaser BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
Leaser BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
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The Undercover Musician

In my opinion, the book The Rangers Apprentice, The Sorcerer of the North, by John Flanagan, is a must read! It is hands down one of my favorite books that I have ever read in my life. I found the book to be an easy and captivating read. The story took me on an adventure with Will Treaty and his childhood friend, and also love, Alyss. Alyss comes to Will with a secret mission, where he must go under cover as a musician. During the mission, Alyss gets taken captive and is questioned by the antagonist Keren about Will’s true identity. It is up to Will to save her with the help of some Scandinavian friends and a sorcerer from the woods.
This story truly helped me escape from reality. It took me back to a time of knights, castles, and kings. In this old world everything the characters do, for the most part, would be capable of someone back in that time period. Shooting arrows, climbing walls, sword fights, and castle sieges were all possible back then. However, the book also adds in some mythical twists. Such twists being a magical stone that can make the beholder be forced to tell the truth. Even though most of the story could have been possible for people back in those days, it still let me escape from my every day lives. I personally am fascinated with medieval times and stories such as this truly grab my interest.

John Flanagan’s flair for artistry is amazing. Flanagan does an incredible job describing the environment, the character’s thoughts, and the character’s feelings. When reading the book, I felt as if I was immersed in the story, watching events unfold alongside Will, the main character, as they happened. Any time the setting changes in the story, the author makes sure that I can vividly picture the characters surroundings. As events unfold, I am aware of the characters thought process and changing emotions in the story. There was never a moment where I was confused about what was going on or where the characters were. The clarity and artistry of the book are what make Rangers Apprentice such an amazing series, and what makes John Flanagan such a successful author.

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