Flowers in the Attic by V.C. Andrews | Teen Ink

Flowers in the Attic by V.C. Andrews

May 8, 2014
By Corinne Baumann BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Corinne Baumann BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Flowers in the Attic

If you want a book where you can cry and smile with the characters, then Flowers in the Attic is the book for you. This is a very emotional book where four children (Cathy, Chris, Cory, and Carrie Dollanganger) must live their lives hidden away from the world, in the attic of their grandparent’s marvelous house. They live a life of punishments and sins. They are the devil’s spawn, according to their grandmother and they deserve to live through pain and misery.

This book is very well written and attentive to every detail. It made me feel that I was up in the attic surviving right by their side. I am very content with this book and found little to nothing that I didn’t like. This is such a good read and I hope to read all of the sequels.

If you don’t like emotional books, then you should not read Flowers in the Attic. The treatment of these children made me want to cry out in sorrow. The cruelness of the grandmother made me want to punch something and the forgetfulness of the mother made me want to scream in frustration. These moments will send you on an emotional rollercoaster.

There are also happy and touching moments in this book. The siblings are always there for each other even though they go through many hardships. The children make a play room out of the attic and try to enjoy the rare moments that they have of fun. They enjoy mimicking the grandmother and make a game out of their situation for the twins.

Flowers in the Attic is a great book overall and should be read by many people. It is more of a girl novel, but guys can enjoy this book too. I hope that you will have good feelings after you read this book. It is definitely a book for teenagers, because there are some concepts that might scare or frighten younger children. Read the book to find out, do the children escape or are they stuck in the attic under the care of their cruel grandmother forever.


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