Room. by Emma Donoghue | Teen Ink

Room. by Emma Donoghue

May 14, 2014
By Carah123 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Carah123 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
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The book I chose to read this quarter was Room By: Emma Donoghue. The genre of this book is realistic non-fiction. This book isn't based on a real event but it could happen. My feelings on this book were pretty good. I thought some parts were really good. While others sort of made me bored.The first part of the book made me really interested in reading on further to see what happens. As a read a greater amount of the book it made me more and more interested. At the climax I couldn’t stop reading because it was so good. For the most part I enjoyed this book with exceptions of the beginning. I would say the message of this book is be thankful for what you have. I think this because this boy only has one room and he is happy with only that.

The story started out very interesting with a little boy turning 5 in a room. The whole book is written in his perspective. He has been in this room his whole life. He lives in the room with his mother. Which he calls Ma. In this one room there is a wardrobe where he sleeps. This room has one door, a skylight, stove, bathroom, bed and table. The little 5 year old talks like everything is alive. He will say things such as “I don’t want to hurt table.” That is all they had except for the sunday treat which Old Nick brought to them. Old Nick was a man who would bring them their needs. And maybe sometimes their wants. But thats all what they get every week. Old Nick is not a very nice man at all. Ma thinks that they will stay there for the rest of their lives. But no one knows what will happen next. They are stuck in room and have never seen the outside world.

In my perspective this book was written very well. It all makes really good sense to me the whole time. Some parts of the book could be pretty boring. I didn’t really feel like reading on to see what happens next. But on other parts of the book it was so good I couldn’t stop reading. It really made really interested in reading on to see what happens next. I think the author portrays a 5 year olds perspective really well. She really helped me understand what was going on during the story. Over all I really enjoyed this book.

I would recommend this book to someone who is a bit older and really enjoys a mystery. Someone who is a teenager maybe. Because at some parts it really didn’t make sense to me. While other parts did. But it was still a really amazing book! I would recommend it to someone who likes mystery books because you are trying to figure out the mystery of room. You have to figure out what happened. I think that type of person would really enjoy this book .


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