The Grim Grotto | Teen Ink

The Grim Grotto

December 17, 2008
By Jessica Cox PLATINUM, Dexter, Michigan
Jessica Cox PLATINUM, Dexter, Michigan
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Through long journeys with horrible people, the Baudelaire's still manage to escape Count Olaf. The Grim Grotto by Lemony Snickets was the book I chose to read. The Baudelaire's have continued to find their future in the the depths of the ocean.

In this book, The Baudelaire's Join a V.F.D crew in a submarine down below. Their adventure starts when they get sent down out of the Queequeg to find the hidden secrets of the world. The trouble starts when they come back to the submarine and get what they didn't expect....Count Olaf their evil gaurdian. Everything changes when the captain goes missing. The power is Olaf's and his troop. What will happen next?

I enjoyed the book along with the series. I really like the author's writing styles. The whole book is really interesting because the way this story is put into words. I like how the author explains the words and phrases he uses. It helps me understand what is trying to be said. Also I like the good description he uses. It brings my interests to the story when he describes all of the objects in the book. I can clearly see in my mind what he is writing about. When the author writes about the first encounter of Count Olaf in this book, he told all of the features about him from previous books. I liked the way he put it. Another thing I like is the way that he talks. I can remember from the movie the horrible sound of his voice and laugh. This evil laugh that he has brings him more of a character. I would recomend this book to anyone who liked the movie. I would also recomend it if you like the suspense and crazy unlikely things happening. I liked this book and hope you read it.


This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 18 2010 at 3:20 pm
Chinadoll BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 172 comments
I love these books! it was great but I would prefer a bit detail. I don't know that's just me. good job