Twilight | Teen Ink


December 17, 2008
By Anonymous

The book Twilight by Stephenie Meyer is the best book I have ever read. The connection between the mythical, and the realistic creatures is quit interesting to read about. The series can hook a person who hates reading in an instant. It's not just the story its self but Stephenie Meyer has a very descriptive way of writing that really paints the scene in your mind.

Twilight is about a 17 year old girl who falls in love with Edward, a beautifully featured vampire! It isn't the kinda of love you can put behind you if you want, they were meant to be together and neither one of them can resist each other. But this isn't a fairy tale, their are tons of danger Edward can bring to Bella because of what he is. He could hurt bye comforting her if he isn't gentle enough or he could attract other vampires to her. Edward is pretty good at resisting temptation to drink Bellas blood but he lives off of animals blood, although not all vampires fallow his families style for survival. Can Edward keep Bella safe?

I'm not a big reader, but I can't put this book dow I would suggest it to anyone who is into romance or mythical creatures. This isn't just a girlie book allot of my guy friends are reading the Twilight series. So proof anyone will love it. I have recommend it to my mom, her friends, and my own friends who then suggested it to there parents. Also there is a movie out of Twilight now so it's always fun o go watch the movie and then think of what you saw in your mind while you read to see if it was at all alike.

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This article has 1 comment.

Nicole101 said...
on Mar. 4 2010 at 11:28 pm

Twilight was so good and so was this AMAZING article. Anyone who hasn't started the series should totally get into it.